Formed by experts with a unique combination of clinical, academic and computational skills,
the team at LCL can offer individualized solutions to cardiovascular image and data analysis.

A portrait of Dr. Ricardo Petraco

Dr. Ricardo Petraco

Founder and director of coronary physiology at LCL, an interventional cardiologist with large experience in coronary physiology research, part of the team who developed the instantaneous wave-Free Ratio (iFR) coronary index. Dr Petraco has a unique combination of clinical and computational skills, including physiology data collection, processing and analysis, allowing for custom-made solutions to be used on physiological data.

A portrait of Dr. Daniel Chamie

Dr. Daniel Chamie

Founder and director of intravascular imaging, Dr Chamie is an interventional cardiologist with extensive experience in leading imaging core laboratories.Previous director of OCT operations at Cardiovascular Research Centre in SaoPaulo, Brazil, he is now head of Imaging at Yale University Core Lab, a partner of LCL in the US.

A portrait of Dr. Sayan Sen

Dr. Sayan Sen

Interventional cardiologist with extensive expertise in coronary physiology, part of the team who developed the instantaneous wave-Free Ratio (iFR) coronary index, he also leads the structural and renal denervation projects at LCL.

A portrait of Prof. Darrel Francis

Prof. Darrel Francis

With vast experience in cardiovascular research, Prof Francis co-leads LCL’s echocardiography and AI team.

A portrait of Dr. Mathew Shun Shin

Dr. Mathew Shun Shin

Director of Echocardiography and Artificial Intelligence (AI) at LCL, a consultant cardiologist with extensive experience in imaging and AI solutions toCardiology. Dr Shun-shin’s unique combination of clinical and computational expertise enables tailor made solutions to imaging data processing and analysis.

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